Association “MI“ – Split, Croatia is the coordinator of the project ˮOptimizingVolunteer Services in Times of Refugee Crisis“ co-funded by European Unionprogramme ˮEurope for CitizensˮValue of the project is €147 500 and the implementation starts 1/9/2016 and lasts until 30/11/2017.


Overall objective of the project is to contribute to further strengthening of the role ofvolunteers in times of crisis in modern Europe.Specific objective is to provide evidence-based recommendations for theimprovement of the voluntary services on the EU level.


The partners of the project are:

Association “MI“ – Split (Croatia),

Croatian Volunteers Centre Network (Croatia),

Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre (Serbia),

Legis Skopje (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia),

Voluntary Action Sheffield (United Kingdom),

Önkéntes Központ Alapítvány (Hungary) and

European Volunteer Centre (Belgium).


Összefoglaló az első projekttalálkozóról (Eszék; 2017. január 18-19.):




Projekt eredmények: